Wednesday, January 30, 2008

For the owners of this course it is about one thing only. Recruiting for more MONEY!

As much as this guy claims to want to only help people, he is only a business man. A very successful one at that. He drives a Ferrari as well as other very expensive vehicles. He owns many expensive properties. His personal goal for 2007, or so he said was to donate Half a million dollars to charity. Which even if he did, it is only a very big tax right off.

Beware of the "first course is free act now". The first course is always free. This is where he sucks you in. He actually does not get anyone else to facilitate this one. Only him, because this is the one that is crutial to his business. They don't tell you that to graduate you need level 2 and 3 which will run you approximatly $4000.00. And then after that, there are many more expensive seminars to do. You would think for this large sum of money collected from the hundred if not thousands of participants, that he would have people with credentials instructing. But no way, that would cut into his profits. In actuality he has a very minimal staff and recruits people who have graduated to VOLUNTEER. You would think he could even afford to get the seminar catered. But oh no, he actually gets participants who have previously graduated to cook meals for his staff. Which by the way he pays just barely enough to cover the costs of the groceries, let alone their time and vehicle expences.

This guy from what I have seen and heard, does not give a hoot about the well being of anyone other than his own pocketbook. When it comes down to it, I actually have a little respect for him. He is a very smart bussiness man.

Now not everyone will suffer from his course. On the contrary, many people have benefited. It is the lack of credentials and formal education of these facilitators which makes it dangerous. With lack of education and training, it makes for an at best, "very sketchy" attempt at PyscoThearapy.

People Beware!

Jay Fiset and his Personal Best Seminars have the potential to do the exact opposite of what they promise. For some, his course can help you to become something more than you ever imagined. But for the rest, it has the potential to ruin your life.

It ruined mine!


Unknown said...

Its true its nothing but a big mind game and alot of money wasted.I took the thing years ago but i must say jay fiset is one smart money maker.It has away of sucking anyone in.

orbiting said...
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orbiting said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am currently stuck in the personal best cult...I want out!!! I have taken levels 1 and 2. I am fortunate to have loving family members that I listened to rather than the personal best staff. My family members noticed a change in me and questioned what was going on. It was enough for me to re-evaluate the course I found myself in. My problem now is that I signed for all levels (through manipulation) and I don't want to continue, nor do I want to pay the thousands of dollars to potentially have my life ruined. I signed up through a friend. It was one of the worst mistakes that I have made. Personal Best states that there is a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. This is NOT TRUE!!! If you no longer wish to continue, they force you to find someone to "sell" your package to. I feel a cannot, in good conscience, subject someone else to this course even if it means that I am then rid of it myself. I feel trapped. The story of leaving loved ones and having no contact with people outside of personal best after taking the course is all too common and I have heard this story MANY MANY times before. Stay away from personal best. I believe is some of the ideologies behind personal best; however, they do not practice what they preach. Their sole goal is to get money out of people regardless of the cost. Anyone that has any suggestion on how to help me get out, I would be happy to hear it.

Anonymous said...

Further to my comment on March 30/09. I am no longer commited to PB. I want to thank you, Charles. The information on this site was information that I shared when I again requested to not continue with courses. They allowed me to leave. That never would have happened without the information that I learned here. I am sorry for the loss the PB has cause you and I thank you so much for posting this information.

Anonymous said...

I'm a freelance writer with an acquaintance who narrowly escaped the pull of this group...I'd really like to do a story. Charles, if you're interested in being interviewed (we can do it anonymously, if you prefer), is there an e-mail address I can reach you at?

In fact -- would anyone else be interested in being interviewed?

Anonymous said...

Sorry -- I didn't leave an e-mail address. For those who might be up for chatting, here's an e-mail to reach me at:


Anonymous said...

I'm still looking for individuals interested in chatting for my research. Your comments can be anonymous.

If interested, please give me a shout at

It's also appreciated if you could pass this e-mail along to someone who might be interested in chatting. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Charles, would you contact me? I'm hoping we could chat anonymously for the article I'm considering writing.

I'd really like to ask you a few questions.

It would be great if you'd contact me at

Cory Fiset said...

I was recently told about this posting and could not believe the misinformation and untruths mentioned in this short post. I am Jay Fiset's wife and if anyone would like to know about Personal Best Seminars and has ANY questions, it would be lovely for you (or whoever) to contact Jay directly and ask him and you will at least get the TRUTH. The rumors, odd stories and untruths out there (especially about Jay's personal life) are highly entertaining and amusing - but also very frustrating. For example: If we have many expensive properties, I would sure like to know where they are. Oh, and how dare we donate money to charity - ick... what terrible kind of person would do that? Saying that my husband does not give a hoot about anyone other than his own pocketbook is not only hurtful, but the furthest thing from the truth about Jay Fiset. There have been MANY other avenues he could have taken in his life to earn more money than he did when he ran Personal Best. His energy is about contribution, and if you can contribute in a meaningful way to others and also earn an income, then great! Many people are trying to figure out how to do that in their own lives.

This Charles fellow has not even taken a Personal Best Course by the way, and that is true for 95% of the people who have negative comments about the organization. PB has NEVER, ever, participated in any kind of "belong to us" mentality and in fact, if anything the opposite is true. Please go out and live your life, make your relationships work, contribute, help out your community, be a good person, move on from the restrictions you've placed on yourself - go live your life how it ought to be lived, perhaps with joy and ease... It blows my mind that people react to that in such odd ways. The whole "cult" thing was more of an issue in the 80's and perhaps early 90's, but to still have that mindset around when most people engage in some type of personal development today (meaning it's not such a "weird" thing) is just strange to me.

I am so proud of this organization that has withstood the test of time in Calgary since 1991 and the only reason for that, when a multitude of other organizations have come and gone (and, gone with people's money), is because we have offered a valuable service, and people create value. If they don't, then we REFUND their money paid at the end of their course. That has ALWAYS been our policy.

I was told be a few people that they had some positive responses to this blog, but those responses were removed it seems. Hmmmm. Interesting slant to what he wants others to see.

Anyway, I could go into more information here and the bottom line is that I choose to focus on the great things our company has accomplished and the thousands of grads who have taken these courses and created tons of value - it is not usually worth my precious energy to give people like Charles any of my time, BUT I would like for the truth to be out there, not erroneous ramblings and made-up stories by someone who clearly knows more about our company than we do.

So, if you would like to interview Jay personally for your article, please contact me at my email address above, and I would be more than happy to set that up for you.

This goes for ANYONE who has a question about Personal Best in any way. Contact myself or Jay and we'll tell you the truth. Or you could just listen to the "stuff" out there I guess.


Cory Fiset

(I'm not sure if anyone will even see this)

Anonymous said...

Corey, I read your response. I want to say that Personal Best has made a huge difference in my life. HUGE. When I first went to PB, level one, I had no intentions of taking it further. I was also anticipating a "hard sell" at the end to get me to take more courses. I was wrong on both accounts. The facilitator said, if PB1 has made a difference in your life then carry on with the program. At the end of the course, I made a commitment to continue. I didn't sign up for anything at that point (March 2009) but I practiced what I learned and I have seen a positive change, and so has my family. I have signed up for Level 2 in October.

To refute what Charles wrote about the cult - when questioned by non-followers is "I can't tell you about the seminar, you have to experience it for yourself". This a clear indication that the participant has been programmed to recruit more people using this catchphrase.

WRONG. It is not clear. The course is based on experiential learning. There is a big difference between me telling you about my vacation to Mexico and you actually going to Mexico yourself. Big difference.

I could tell people what goes on at a seminar, but it would mean nothing to them, and it could perhaps spoil the exercise if they were to experience it in a group.

It's difficult to quote information regarding things that went on 40 + years ago. I can attest to the fact that things are different. No one told me to steer clear of non-believers, no one tried to siphon my bank account, or anything like that. It was a great experience that I would do again and recommend to anyone.

Anonymous said...

I too am completed disheartened by the garbage that sometimes appears on the internet. My husband and I have both taken Level 1, are teaming for Level 1 in a couple weeks, and signed up for Level two coming this fall. We had NONE of the negative experiences that are so-called happening with Personal Best.Quite the contrary. We always have a choice. Of course we are offered an opportunity to continue on our path of personal development, yes there is a cost, NO we were not cohersed, locked in a room until we signed up, nor were we made to feel as if we were "losers" if we didn't. We each have a opportunity to take life as a lesson, learn from it if we choose. If it doesn't turn out, we can't always be pointing fingers at others.... Needless to say, I commend Corey for responding to these comments and I want her to know...yes!! It is getting read by everyone I know who even considered the initial comments as truth. On behalf of my hubby and myself, we are sorry that you have gotten hurt by the blog. I guess in the world today it is hard to accept that there may be people who are actually caring for us. If you can make living at the same time...well, good on you!
Thanks Corey (and anonymous)

Brady said...

Wow, people amaze me. Charles - I live happily with my woman in Edmonton and the reality of my situations is that sometimes we have problems and sometimes it's because I am an ass. The reason we are still together is that I take responsibility for my actions and avoid pointing the finger at other people when I bung up. Maybe you could wise up to the fact that you are the problem, not the folks at Personal Best. My advice, get a life stop hiding behind your own bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Have to admit Charles your comments are quite laughable as your credibility is shot considering you haven't even taken the course. I have taken every course PB offers, it changed my life, and have watched it change the life of so many others. I also know your credibility is lost as my facilitator for the first level was a woman, an amazing women at that. So that said do your homework a little deeper dude!

Roger MacRae said...

Dude are you serious, I understand that it hard to have your wife leave you and it is hard to accept change but you should get some of your facts straight.

First off you need to know that you are giving your readers the skewed view that so many other sites give. If you are going to state things as facts make sure you know they are facts first.

1-Jay Fiset is not the only facilitator of level 1. In fact Jay doesn't even do most of the facilitation any more.

2-There is no "to graduate you need level 2 and 3". In fact when people complete level 1 they receive a certificate of graduation. Personal provides several courses. Each course builds upon the previous and is designed to further people in their process. At no time has it been stated that anything beyond level 1 has to be done. People choose to continue their work of the own free will.

3-I am not sure where you got your pricing but you are wrong there too.

4-You make the statement "You would think for this large sum of money collected from the hundred if not thousands of participants, that he would have people with credentials instructing." What does that even mean. Are you trying to say that there are volunteer instructors because if you are you definitely don't know what you are talking about. The only volunteers are the ones that assist with set up and and flow. They at no time do any instructing.

5-You seem to keep using volunteer and staff as if they are the same people. They are not. When volunteers cook food, they are cooking it for the people volunteering not for staff.

6-You seemed to have bought into that wonderful word PyscoThearapy. That word that everyone that doesn't know what they are talking about uses. Personal Best Seminars has never claimed to be using PyscoThearapy. In fact they make it very clear that what they do is experiential learning. They are careful to tell people that they are not therapists and that if anyone has need for a therapist they should definitely seek that out. Personal Best Seminars is not in the business of fixing people.

And for my last point, I offer to you that doing research would greatly help your stance here. In fact it would help it so greatly that you would be compelled to stop this rhetoric that you have spewed as it is all unfounded and untrue. The sad part is that the only part of what you have spewed here that is true is that you wife left you.

If you took just a few minutes to do some research you would find that lifespring (the company everyone love to use as the reason for any lgat being a cult) did a lot of things that current companies do not do. Then if you researched a little more you would find the dozens of companies across the globe that do what Personal Best Seminars does. What you won't find is the literally millions of people who have taken the courses complaining. In fact they will sing the companies praises for all the change and positive results they have helped create. If you did still a little more research you would find that any training of any size is and LGAT, including our current education system. You would find that cult is defined as a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. In other words a group of like minded people who get together to share with one another.

I feel sad for you brother. You have done what so many have done before you and it only makes things worse. It will not better your cause, change your circumstances, or stop people from wanting to participate. All you have done is created a torch of hate that you get to carry with you everywhere you go. A company to blame for the results you have created in your life. In the end it will only make you feel worse. I hope for you that one day you educate yourself and base your opinion on evidence and fact. You have not even taken the courses yet so it nullifies everything you have said.

Anonymous said...

I have lost my best friend to this cult and she has lost all of her friends, all of her money, all of her power, and her husband, as they divorced right after the course. The blathering on here by the owners of this racket only throws salt in the wound. People really only blather on about how right they are when they are defending themselves and they know they've done wrong in my opinion.

Jen Murphy said...

Hi chris
I am a Pb 1,2 3 graduate and it saved my life, and I have seen how it has helped 1,000 of people
Pb has earned their money, and I would not confuse the process if you have not expereinced it,I wish you happiness in finding a new wife, life and awhole lot of cool stuff.
I know the course from the outside looking IN is very confusing- but I 100% personally guaranted that the intentions of the course are pure- and very intertwined with making the world a better place to live. see you soon- I hope one day at a PB course grad day- and i will come and support you.
I totally can understand the contriversal nature of this course, please give it a try- level one is free if you hate it still- then at least you are awareof what you are hating.
I think it is pretty silly to compare this course to material in the 80's
Jay Fiset deserves 900 ferrais- by the way so do YOU

Jen Murphy said...

Sorry my post was for Charles

At NO time are you EVER told to not contact people from the outside.

PB will ALWAYS REFUND your money.

Once you do the course.

ONce you do the course- for very good reason, dealing with your problems- is HARD work.

It is much easier to sit and grumble with other unhappy people.

TOTALY not productive.

TAKE the course if you are still unsatisified- you can get a FULL REFUND.

Dont you get the process?

Everyone runs into a point where easy street is most attractive.
Finish what you have started is a pretty important lesson.

Anonymous said...

Hey Charlie - (Why does Brady sound angry and so threatened...?) - I've taken a course with PB - at first - had predictable euphoria induced by PB's methods (that people can read about related to Lifespring - see 'Pathology as "Personal Growth" ' at I distinctly remember an 'us vs them mentality'. All of Cialdini's thought control aspects evident. Yes, maybe your wife would have left you anyway, but maybe she wouldn't have. But really, you should just move on and be thankful that she didn't manage to get you involved.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon..Saw article 'Pathology as Personal transformation' under J Haaken, R Adams - Psychiatry, 1983 -
... PSYCHIATRY, Vol 46, August 1983 Janice Haaken PhD, is Assistant Professor of
Psychology, Portland State University, Portland OR, 97207. html doc, page 4 elaborates - your link provided is already broken

Anonymous said...

Wow.. I was totally perplexed when I googled personal best seminars to find this! Great, Charles! Way to go! You got your point out there although, very very shady ploy.

Personally I have gone through 5 personal best courses and learned something new about myself in each and everyone of them - also volunteered a couple times and learned a little more!

Each person that goes through those personal best doors has a choice. Not for one second can anyone BLAME PBS for their own forthcomings. For Being honest with themselves, still, a choice. To give them the opportunity to speak out loud without regret or judgement YES!! PBS gives the space to do that if you so CHOOSE to do so!

I am sad that you, Charles, believe that PBS was the reason why your wife left you and her long lost friends... You have not given us all the truthful information. How do you feel about that?

I have had many friends go through the course and yes, get divorced! They are happier now than ever before! They found themselves! Not having to 'sweep it under the rug' or live in a loveless marriage because they swore before God! Its a choice of freedom that they chose!

Life as you see it is YOUR CHOICE. If you so choose to slander a company without even going through any of the courses yourself, is just that, slander and cowardice.

Just another note... I prepaid in full all my courses and finally, I just had done so much in so little time, I was done. Spent and overwelmed with all the information and new friendships and support systems, I emailed Corey Fiset and I had a refund cheque in the mail the next week for the courses I had not finished taking.

I would do more homework if I was you. All your credibility is out the window.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous of Oct. 28th - wow! Good for you! What a guy! You learn a bit about yourself every time you drop $900.00 to $1,200.00 for a course? You mean that common psychological dyamanic has an effect on you? When you spend big money your subconscious refuses to accept that you did not benefit from that big drop - all of you who have to have your personal growth directed by others because you don't have enough internal volition to motivate yourselves?- well that's just (what's the word Corrie uses?) - "ICKY"
As for those commenting that PB doesn't tell you to avoid others?? No, not at all. When facilitators make reference to those hesitant to go through the program as 'not wanting to be enlightened', or 'afraid of the truth or who they were meant to be' BS, come on. And when others refer to syphoning out the bank account, some of you PB'ers act like the people meant it literally! Taking all of your personal time and 10% of your income (otherwise your just not serious enough about your "growth"), the fact that you "chose to be sexually abused, or molested", that you "chose" to get a malignant illness, that these things were a "cop-out" not to have a real life?? What kind of B*&L SH*&T is that?? I guess if you got to drop big money to have someone tell you that "hey Johnny you're all enlightened, (or), you're a big societal contributor, (or), you're almost there, you just need our course in how to pick your nose without it causing a typhoon in Jamaica, etc. Charles is communicating about an experience he had, you PB'ers communicate about the experience given you, manipulated through you with visual imagery, pressure to subscribe to norms within a group, etc. Have fun spending your money, glad that PB is keeping your sorry as@#s off the streets of Calgary

Anonymous said...

Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

pbLUVR said...

Hey guess what? I just graduated Personal Best Level 1: The Truth Revealed today. It was amazing. I met some of the most amazing people. I think, if anything, you are very misinformed, or afraid of change. Your wife left you, that put you outside your comfort zone. I actually ended up being reunited with a couple girls I went to middle school with, what are the chances? That says something right there. You're a fool, and you have no place to talk about something you clearly know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

pbLUVR, Charles here has done his homework - he's looked at LGAT training and researched his sources thoroughly (what, are you afraid to look at some of the sites he's referenced for fear of how close to Lifespring you'll find PB is? Only the name is different fella. You're the fool because you think because you've hooked up with some old friends from middle school that "something special" had transformed you! Ya never know, maybe tomorrow you might meet up (randomly) with 1 of several other of the hundreds of people you've met in your life time that share the same city with you! You've had the truth revealed to YOU alright, you've learned that the "truest" thing is to call people down because they believe differently than you, they believe in something other than your symbiotic relationship with your new "program(ing)" HA!, in life. Did they smile nicely at you at your little celebration after? Did they let you know that your Lifespring fun, including no bathroom breaks for "wittle pbLUVR" until they say it's time, was good for your personal and professional advancement (AND your waistline)? We're all happy for you pbLUVR. Maybe you can score some points with your club when you finally convince your old Middle school friends to come join the party -

Anonymous said...

From another LGAT Participant whose love relationship went awry afterwards: "In absolving members of all responsibility to their significant other, and encouraging (overtly or covertly) members to explore ('who they really are'), it returned to me a woman whose runaway Id, ('from the regression sessions using visual imagery', encouragement to 'form relationships with other attendees who want to be all that they can be'), her canned responses of "you wouldn't understand (until you experience it yourself)", etc put her in the role of petulant child... forcing me to take on the role of "buzz killer" parent. Now, unless you're pretty sick, that is a huge obstacle to a healthy relationship"

Naturally Nanda said...


Anonymous said...

You are correct - the methods of mind control, and pocket book control, are full of bullshit, so are the phony smiles that keep coming so long as the monetary support keeps coming. Hugs are proportional to course attendance, more bullshit. I want my hugs god dammit!

Anonymous said...

PBS would make you believe that Shaniya Davis SHOULD be accountable cuz after all she CHOSE to be sold by her mother and raped. The personal acountability thing goes this far! Talk about bullshit Forget about other intarference factors like a druggy mother and a perv drug dealer and societey that wouldn't question the perv goin into a hotel room with no bags, shit like this stay clear of this twisted logic don't be thinking a joining

Steve said...

I find much of the information on this blog quite entertaining. I have completed all 3 levels of PB and have participated as a team member for level 2. I still have a great relationship with my family (none have taken the course) and my friends (none have taken the course). I have also made some great new friends through PB. At no time was I told I could not speak to "non-believers". PB is all about incorporating the ideas into exsisting lives (by the way these ideas are not exclusive to PB as they can be found in many self help book). PB sets up an atmosphere to explore ideas and activities and does not force any thing on anyone. I was also never told that I couldn't talk about my experience because people won't understand until they experience the course for themselves. For one thing everyone has a different experience of PB even if you take the course at the same time, the only thing I was asked not to discuss was the exact nature of the exersises as to not ruin the integrity of the exercises for others who may take the course. I also recalled that if someone wanted to go to the washroom it was a choice they could make at the risk of missing an exercise. That being said the longest I was in the room for was 4 hours (not that long for an adult to be in a room). It was expected that I would take care of my body on breaks, but there was no "marathon sessions". Anyway though I would put in my 2 cents. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Help I want out! I was scammed into signing a contract for over $10,000. I guess the price went up, just before Jay Fiset sold a portion, interesting....

The money back portion has been carefully worded, if you buy a package you’re screwed, the refund is for registration, which is free with your package BTW.

Can anyone help me get out of this contract??????

Anonymous said...

Although (--the program--) provided a preliminary questionnaire to screen out those who were under psychiatric treatment and emphasized that the training was educational rather than therapeutic, the promise of a rapid cure for these various complaints was unmistakably an attraction to the participants. Thus, an important motivational basis of the training was the expectation that dramatic change would occur.

Anonymous said...

As with many of (these programs), the structure and content of this program had a disinhibitive effect. Reasoning and intellectual processes were minimized while affective states were intensified. However, the program differed from these prototypical groups by the extent to which the leaders took control of ego functions for participants. The environment was elaborately structured, much as a compulsive parent would do for a small child. During the early training sessions, chairs were meticulously arranged on rows of masking tape facing the podium, where the leader stood with large paper tablets for didactic instruction. If a chair was moved, the participant was instructed by one of the assistants to return it to the taped line. A theme song was played ceremoniously at the beginning of each sessions, and participants were to be seated in their chairs by the conclusion of the music. Frantic compliance to this rule was remarkable even though its purpose and the consequences of noncompliance were unclear.

Anonymous said...

A form of exercise used repeatedly throughout the training involved highly structured interactions in pairs. Each member of the pair faced the other in the open position" legs uncrossed, one hand placed on each leg, and eye contact was to be sustained for the entire exercise. If participants deviated from this position--for example, by breaking eye contact or crossing their legs-the assistants instructed them to resume the open position. We found that the experience of having our movements monitored throughout the five days **while being told to be spontaneous** was particularly unsettling, evoking feelings of powerlessness and dependency. The prolonged eye contact required in all pair exercises had a certain hypnotic effect in that it became increasingly difficult to withdraw from the influence of the exercise.

Anonymous said...

PB is not for everyone, and I agree, if you are in crisis it is not wise to go through it. You should be mentally healthy to begin with before starting PB. However, one of PB's main messages is accountability, and removing blame from your life, both self blame and blame of others. This means you can move on from past hurt and trauma- it is very empowering. It certainly doesn't demean the pain you went through. The course helps you to discover what you have to learn from all you have been through and to see how to become stronger despite it all. This is the road to forgiveness and healing. I did all three levels, and was NEVER told I couldn't leave. I also was not coerced into doing any other levels. If you leave, you are encouraged to examine that choice you made. The instructors were excellent and the volunteers enjoy volunteering because they continue to learn about themselves as they help other people go through the process. It provides you with a very safe environment to be yourself, and drop your shields and masks. Personal best is about choice and freedom. If your wife left you because of it I absolutely guarantee that there were problems in the relationship all along. If the relationship were strong to begin with, it likely would become even strong. Sorry you had such a bad experience of PB. But I can say my experiences were worth every penny and more.

Anonymous said...

I am interested in taking the Level 1 PBS. I have been donig a little bit of research on everything but can someone tell me what it is like. Large room, through exercises do you tell your personal life. I am told my several people that it is good to go through Level one as it "can be" an eyeopener. Any thoughts.

Jeff Anderson said...

Anyone that wants to go to a Personal Best Seminar should read this.


Anonymous said...

I know some people that took personal best in calgary and they are completely different now. The paid the extra $10 grand to get certified, hardly talk to their friends because their friends "don't get" them. They are totally brainwashed. They think that everyone should take the course to be enlightened. I don't know about this at all!!

Rae-ann Wood-Schatz said...

Just a little FYI for the person who posted read rickross. I am the owner of the Alberta segment of Personal Best and as former clinician and someone with training in Psychology I would like to say that even though I did not do the course under the "Life Springs" umbrella I was a student of the process and now a steward of it as it is facilitated by Personal Best. I have recently begun the search to have a researcher come in and do the process today. I think looking at research that is decades old is a ridiculous exercise. So many things that were researched and exacted as scientifically relevant have been debunked and I am confident this would be as well. I think there is more value in looking at more current relevant results using qualitative research done by social psychologists. Based on what I have read and heard about 'how' Life Springs delivered content I can say with confidence the process has evolved considerably.

And as my mother has always when looking at any information for guidance and support consider the source. So what I mean by that is most people on this blog have not even done the course and have an abundance of misinformation. The rickross site trashed all personal development programs based on the same information, which of course causes generalizing based on old ideas. I worried about Personal Best being trashed on the internet, as I know people often think that if it is on the Net it must be true. Was glad to see the other very well respected programs are being trashed as well, which simply says to me it is more about the trasher than it is about the process.

And having said all of that I encourage anyone who has desire to grow and evolve personally to do your due diligence and make a choice that makes sense for you. A big part of what we teach is the power of choice, you are you own best expert, so feel free to come and have an experience-FREE- and then you can decide for yourself.

Rae-ann Wood-Schatz
President Personal Best Seminars Albert

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that you are dismissing rickross. You say that personal best will help people but you CRAM 40 hours down people's throats. Seriously how well can people learn something by a course that is 6-midnight (wed thurs and friday) and then 10 to 10 Sat and Sunday. Where do you learn? What is there to learn? How can a person change even a little bit without absorbing and understanding it.

You talk about how you are so different now. You still play the game of life which they did 30 years ago.

Your process is to break a person down and rebuild them and to get them to think they had a breakthrough when in reality nothing happened. Their "ego" is manipulated into thinking there was a breakthrough. I personally know people that have taken this and they are so hard to talk to. They have this "PB" speak and actually look down on everyone that has not taken it.

This is just you defending your company because this is where you get your income from. It is not a $1000 dollar course. If you tried charging that nobody would come.

I don't disagree with all the course that you guys offer. I think some of them are interesting and good, but you should not have to go through this so called level 1 and bay thousands of dollars for level two.

Anonymous said...

This saddens me greatly. I had a friend go through the PB seminars, and I was devastated at the changes I saw. She went from being a healthy vibrant woman with a professional career and a loving fiancee to a "lost soul". She quit her job, left her fiancee, stopped seeing her non-PB friends (she was too busy VOLUNTEERING her time at seminars to see us), and has spent the last few years bumping from one job to another depending on what her passions are at the moment. I think that any program that empowers someone to believe in themselves and their abilities is great, but to cause them to believe that confidence is all that is necessary to bring success and greatness to their life is erroneous, and sets them up for failure. This program COMPLETELY negates the necessity of education and hard work.

I attended the "Graduation" of her Level 1 class, and I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I swear to whatever deity you believe in, that every last participant had the same glazed, manic look in their eyes. I DO NOT support any mass therapy sessions conducted by unqualified professionals. It is simply dangerous. PB preys on the most vulnerable members of our society and sets them up for failure by "programming" them to isolate themselves from their non-PB support networks... driving them deeper into the PB organization for support, and ultimately deeper into debt as they fund their promised "Enlightenment" and recovery.

Unknown said...

FYI, for 15 years we charged $1000 and thousands of people paid to come, including me! As far as what can people learn in 40 hours our process is designed with experiential learning in mind where they are engaged in the process, not just listening. This allows for increased retention and they remember key concepts and ideas quite easily. How else could they use concepts that may sound foreign to others if they haven't been able to remember? Seems a little incongruent if you ask me. And for the person who's friend make some big choices in life post course, the one thing you never said was is she happy. Sounds more like you are just in judgment of the choices she is making versus supporting her in her choices....hmmm wonder if those are friendships that may best be left behind.

Finally would just like to re-iterate the process is designed for healthy successful adults, it is not therapy and those needing therapy should seek out alternative sources of support. It is educational by design.

Thanks for your interest!

Rae-ann Wood-Schatz
President of Personal Best Seminars Alberta

Anonymous said...

You can't charge $1000 now because nobody would come. It is easy to say in the past you did but try it now and you will see a different story. It is funny how you cram a 40 hour course in to someone over 3 nights and 2 days. Any course that is worth taking takes time to absorb.

You say that this program is designed(designed back in the 70's more like it) for healthy successful people, but successful and healthy people don't think they need to take a self improvement course.

Frank A said...

Many years ago it was a commonly held belief that the world was flat.Later because someone challenged that belief and was opened minded enough to move beyond their comfort zone without passing judgement, it was discovered that the earth was indeed round.
Until about a decade ago it was supposedly impossible for a bumble be to fly - too bad no one told the bee's in question that they were incapable of flight. Only in the last decade did physicists and mathematicians confirm the obvious that yes the bumble bee was indeed capable of flight!
Personally the more I learn the less I know. Having said that, who am I to judge unless I am willing to actually with an open mind coupled with humility and honesty actually get out of my own personal comfort zone (not competence zone) perhaps make the tough conscious decisions and look at who is driving my bus. Life is a process or journey and not a destination. Therefore why not take an introspective look at what and how my personal beliefs, attitudes and behaviors influence me and those around me as a direct result of the afore mentioned.
As a result over many years of meeting and having the good fortune of working with several highly regarded professionals, many held a common thread.These individuals were happy, well grounded and successful. When queried about to what they they attributed their success in leading well balanced lives, many stated it was due to a heightened sense of awareness acquired as a direct result of Personal Best seminars courses taken. More importantly however was how they chose to apply concepts learned. These successful people were not closed minded; very morally and ethically sound and of very high integrity.
Maybe like the bumble bee that supposedly couldn't fly I (Frank A not anonymous) would like to explore what my personal potential really is. Not depending on those around me to dictate what my belief structure should or shouldn't be. I for one one began to question what I sensed were self limiting beliefs. I chose to take the road less traveled.
PB 1 completed yesterday has provided me the marvelous opportunity to move outside of my comfort zone and re frame how I had customarily chosen to live life.
I have come away from the learning experience with a new found attitude of gratitude.
Regardless of what I had heard and read about the PB course even having read this blog before attending, I had to see and experience it for myself and so fortunate to have had the experience. There are leaders and followers in life - I personally made the conscious decision to take action and keep an open mind.
Frank A

Anonymous said...

This is a joke and so are the supposed "leaders/owners" (whatever fancy name you want to call yourselves)....... If you're not happy, find it within yourself and your family for help... Don't turn to some un-educated individual looking to turn a fast buck... END OF STORY

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. They are only in it for the money. They "tell you" they are giving away a $1000 course and then suck you in for another $10K. They tell you, 2 days after you graduate level 1", that the diminished euphoria you are feeling is because your mind wants to keep learning and expanding and that you have to take more courses. The truth of it is they beat you down and then praise you a little bit and call it growth. I knew a girl that was just like this. I went to this "session" 2 days after they graduated on Sunday and it was all a sales pitch.

Unknown said...

This is an international company doing similar work to ours and again is evidence of the 'fear' that change can create for those on the outside looking in.

Thought it might be helpful to share.

Does everyone like Avatar?
No. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the way Star’s Edge does about personal responsibility. It is a complex issue that has motivated an occasional press attack on Avatar. Some individuals, organizations, and even countries, develop extreme psychological domination over people’s lives. Psychologists call this dominance/submission a form of co-dependency. When the victim of such a relationship increases personal responsibility, the dominating partner—or organization, or country—is threatened, i.e., personal growth on the part of the victim threatens the status quo. From the dominator’s point of view, Avatar is a threat—something to be decried as dangerous and to be avoided. Such people have even made the accusation that Avatar is a brainwashing cult. Ironically, those making the accusation are usually guilty of the offense themselves.

One young German woman who left her boyfriend after taking the course describes her decision to leave as, “waking up and realizing I was trapped in a unhappy relationship.” But her boyfriend claims she was brainwashed. Even though completely untrue, the local press found the boyfriend’s story attention grabbing and immediately sensationalized Avatar as a “dangerous brainwashing cult.”

“We don’t brainwash people,” explained an Avatar spokeswoman. “Just the opposite. We help people to recognize limiting beliefs that they may not have accepted voluntarily or may not even be aware of. We show them how to change their beliefs if they choose. We don’t tell people what to believe nor do we put forth any beliefs as true beliefs. We only help people to make a connection between the consequences they are experiencing in life and the beliefs that they hold. Avatar teaches personal responsibility.

“Ask yourself, what kind of a person labels increased awareness and personal responsibility as dangerous?”


Anonymous said...

That's a sales pitch coming from someone within........ Where there's smoke there's fire.... And if people are accusing this seminar to be "cultish" or a scam..... Then everyone should be very skeptical.

Anonymous said...

PB almost cost me my marriage. My wife and i were struggling at the time so i was vulnerable. At the PB seminar i was encouraged to not question the methods but to trust the process. In one exercise i ended up telling a women i had never met how and why i was attracted to her. By the end of the weekend i was becoming more convinced that my wife would never be able to live a truly conscious life and that it would be impossible for us ever to experience the depth of connection i was experiencing with my PB friends and this women.
Where i would say PB is negligent is creating an emotionally charged atmosphere where personal boundaries are crossed with complete strangers. These people become your new best friends and you believe you will not be able to experience the same depth of relationship with anyone outside of this group. Including your spouse. Add to that the many stories i heard from with in the group {including facilitators} that in their case the courageous thing to do was to recognize their marriage was over move on. I'm sure the divorce rate among PB members after their exposure to PB would be alarming. That is not to say there weren't helpful tools for learning to take responsibility for your life and try to make positive changes. In the end PB mostly leaves you narcissistic and selfish. The message is do what ever you need to take control of your life and make it the best it can be for you
with no care or regard for the ones closest to you. I ended up in an affair with a women from PB. I was under the illusion it was love and that PB had given us the tools for really loving each other. I could not have been more deceived. Real love i can see now was shown by my wife who loved me and stayed committed to me with all the bullshit i put her through. I came so close to losing my wife and possibly the love and respect of my 4 amazing boys but thankfully we are still together and my boys are confident and thriving.My wife and i are growing stronger in our
love for each other and living more honestly with each other not by doing everything possible to ensure our individual happiness and success but by laying down our lives for each other. I would strongly warn anyone in a struggling marriage to stay away from personal best. It would most likely be instrumental in ending your marriage.

Unknown said...

I find it disheartening to read the last post, mostly because the person feels the need to be anonymous instead of up front and open and because they obviously missed some of the fundamental teachings inside the process and had they 'got' it they might have spared themselves and their family some of the pain they have been through. And in fairness we all must walk this life in the awareness of the power of the gift of choice, we always get to 'choose' and to do that accountably is one of the most important lessons we teach.

So, once again I am here to set support fact based information so people get 'all' the information.

In the process where anonymous 'chose' to go to a woman and reflect his attraction to her, he could have just as easily chosen a man and spoke about how he was attracted to his wisdom, to his strength, to his honor and commitment to his family. The fact that he chose a woman and the standard of attraction he used was physical is a complete reflection of him and where he was at. Not good or bad, or right or wrong, but a wonderful opportunity for honest self reflection.

I am going to assume 'anonymous' also has not continued in our process and did 40 hours of 100's of hours of training. In fact the second level of our course ground rules include no new relationships with others in the course and no major life changes for 30 days. We do do 'care' for making sure people process and intergrate what they are learning before making big changes in their life. I am sorry you only took advantage of the 'free' part of the process and did not keep moving, again we could have pre-empted some of the not so helpful choices you made post Truth Revealed.

As far as you can only 'connect' to people who have done the course, this to is a falsity. In fact we encourage people to invite as many people in their life as possible to step into self awareness, the more people working on higher consciousness the better. Our world is struggling, we are this far along in our evolution and we are still at 'war', people are being murdered every day by other human beings. We have a divorce rate that is not going down, we have more and more people struggling at the lowest levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. We all need to get busy doing some version of this work. If not with Personal Best somewhere, unconscious humans create unconscious results, fear and righteousness continue to be our number one challenge.

As far as my decision to leave my marriage post Personal Best it was a mutual decision with my ex-husband (who happened to be the one to introduce me to Personal Best) and we have had a 13 year co-parenting relationship that many people are envious of. Personal Best gave 'us' the courage to tell ourselves some hard truths and through that process we matured, we grew and we learned to love eachother in a whole different way, leaving room for powerful relationships to evolve with others.

So to anonymous, I do apologize that I didn't support you enough to have you keep moving in the process so you could have learned to understand better 'why' you were choosing to step outside your marriage when you weren't really done. And I also trust perhaps it was the wake up call you needed and am happy to hear you are working on making things better. I also hope that you will find yourself a process that can continue to assist you as when the dust settles whatever brought you to that 'place' may not have been healed at all.


Rae-ann Wood-Schatz
President of Personal Best Seminars Alberta

Anonymous said...

And once again Rae-ann is convoluting what people are saying by turning it around and making it seem like it is their fault, and because they didn't receive "all" the training, and that it was because they "didn't get it".

1) Avitar is a science fiction movie that James Cameron did because he wanted money. It is the rest of the world that is interpreting their own meaning into it. It is JUST a movie.

2) Are you really that naive to really think Anonymous is going to post his name all over the internet.

3) You feel disheartened that this guy did not "get" some of the teachings. You do understand how you are "teaching" these people. Your course runs Wed, Thurs, Fri 6-midnight, all day saturday and sunday. It is designed to break down a persons ego(beat them into submission if you will) and then you build them back up into a puppet. In your courses you are told that you will "learn" what you need to. Hmmmm they don't say you will learn "everything". So how can you really be disheartened that he didn't learn "all" the lessons.

4) He chose that women because he was in a mental state where he was delusional to think he had anything in common with her. Lets put it this way. I go to vegas, get utterly drunk, meet a girl that is utterly drink, and "choose" to marry her there. Was that really my choise. How DARE you to suggest that he could have chosen a man. Your facilitators match up man and woman. You tell me in once instance where you have matched up a man and a man.

5) You keep mentioning that he took your "free" course. Here is a thought, go back to charging $1000 for it and see how many people you get. You will get about 5-10% of what you get now.

5) Again are you naive in thinking you were supporting him. It is the facilitators that are around and not you. You didn't even know him and I doubt you even saw him. As for understanding why he "stepped" out of his marriage, lets use the getting drunk in vegas analogy. He stepped out of his marrage because your course put him in another state of mind.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to Rae-Ann for further proving my point in regards to my friend who had taken the course and subsequently isolated herself from non-PB'ers. I quote you:

"And for the person who's friend make some big choices in life post course, the one thing you never said was is she happy. Sounds more like you are just in judgment of the choices she is making versus supporting her in her choices....hmmm wonder if those are friendships that may best be left behind."

At what price should happiness come? At the cost of one's jobs... families... relationships? Before entering PB she was a content, successful woman seeking a way to enrich her existing life. She left an emotionally broken person with her life (that she was happy with) torn to shreds; who believed she needed to spend another $10,000 on more courses to learn how to create a life of love "PB" style. Is she happy you ask? She will say yes, as that is what she was programmed to say she has learned to love "life" and the small beauties of this existence. And then in the next sentence you will hear how she feels lonely and isolated. I wonder why.

Personal Best is nothing short of mental abuse. It is designed to break people down mentally and fatigue them... making them much more vulnerable and "willing" to accept the truth. They keep the participants for long hours, fatiguing them... instructing them not to talk to anyone else about the course and to have minimal outside interactions while the course is on. Fatiguing people and isolation are two of the most commonly employed interrogation and torture techniques that have been applied in the last century. There is really no difference between the two... they are both designed to break you down and cause you to question and abandon your beliefs in exchange for what the dominant force wants. In the case of PB... what they want is your money. They leave you feeling that the only way you will attain that transcendental state of happiness and awareness is through paying for more courses.

As for your assertion that I judged my friend rather than supported her... you couldn't be more incorrect. I drove across the country to help her pack and move when she decided to leave her fiance, and I have supported her choices. She grew more and more selfish and anytime anyone would bring it up to her we would be treated with the party line of "you don't understand, you haven't been enlightened yet" followed by a list of reasons why we too should pay thousands of dollars to have our lives and mental stability ripped to shreds too by PB. You assertion of my non-support couldn't have been farther from the truth. I bent over backwards trying to love and support the "New PB" version of my friend. What I did not support however was her new-found narcissism and selfishness. And that... that was, to quote your eloquence, what was "best left behind".

Rae-ann Wood-Schatz said...

So Avatar is a movie and a personal development program, sorry for the confusion.

Second fact the exercise that anonymous did choose a female partner was 100% his choice and yes many men connect with other men in that part of the process. It is not scripted in any way shape or form. I feel a little frustrated that people that have not done the process attempt to talk about something they know nothing about. Ignorance is often more dangerous than anything else.

Third fact, if he was in the Level One I did have contact with him as I am the only one facilitating them.

Finally I do believe if people are speaking powerful truths why wouldn't they post their name? My name is on here everytime I post, even though I know people with think I am not credible as I own the company.

As far as the timing of the course goes 40 hours in 5 days is a regular work week, are you broken and unable to think by Friday? Seriously.

And lastly to the person who's friend she judges as narcissistic as a result of being part of this process it might help you to know I gave my kidney to a client's husband as a result of seeing how powerful unselfishishness and compassion is.

I hold the space that our critics speak from a place of fear and misunderstanding and trust that the many hundreds of people who have benefited from this process will find a way to decide for themselves.

Rae-ann Wood-Schatz
President of Personal Best Seminars Alberta

Anonymous said...

Rae-Ann, every time you post something on here you are adding fuel to the fire and someone comments on your posting. I am just saying....

Anonymous said...

I seriously thought that we lived our own lives, made decisions for ourselves based on our beliefs and experiences! Not conforming to the "Norm", whatever that may be for you.
Complimenting those around you obviously compliments your own self as well. Try it if you don't believe me.
Get off of your High Horse and start thinking about what "I" myself can do to make this world a better place, and if that doesn't work i'm guessing I "Could" make sure that anyone with a smile gets a slap in the face, wouldn't that be a great place to live?
Anyone trying to make themselves better should just give up because it makes others uncomfortable. Right? Give your head a shake!
Any child that gets more love, and has a better attitude because of a change that is offered as an Idea, not a so called "brain wash" should be accepting of the "Norm"? Happy with status quo?
Who wouldn't want more love and more reasons to smile??
Or possibly raise the "Cult" awareness to a point where we question our own decisions. And spend most of our time making judgements about others instead of dealing with what we see when we look at our reflection. Going along for the ride on the roller-coaster of life, Blind! That idea sounds like the "norm", and if all its members filed into a room, put their blindfolds on, and started "bitching" about everyone but themselves, would that not be the biggest "Cult" of all? How many members does that "Cult" have? Are you a Member?
If I see and feel what I do in the mirror, that is what I am projecting to others, is it not?
....... enlightenment is only a step or two away!
Weather in a LGAT situation, a Church, in front of your therapist, around a supper table, in a Book! Open discussions with your Partner, Family, Friends!
Point being if I like who I am, promote it to others or I Don't! If I don't like who I am, maybe I should put effort into myself before ridiculing others for trying something on their own! Or Don't!
If you need some help ask, or Don't!
I can make a decision for myself I think. As can you!
It is so much easier to get the wrong idea when I have so much to think about, and so much to take into account, yet I read that book cover....., possibly make a hasty judgement......., and never know any different for the rest of my life.
Ignorance gives me the excuse to pass judgement!
And sometimes I am wrong,
Learning from those mistakes is the best advice I got from taking the course.
So I will Choose to: Live a better life, set a better example, and be willing to look at myself through clear lenses, not rose coloured, or a foggy outlook. I can be a better person, for myself and the ones closest to me. I know this is what I want.
I really want the best for you too!
And I can see the good in people, I just choose not to see it, or show it,
I can appreciate how you feel, and I can see it all over the world. When I watch the news, read a Blog, meet a group of people who although have a quest for Enlightenment, and also have a desire to be better people. I had those thoughts you had. But i'm telling you all, from my experience, I took something positive from the course, and I know of a few more that have as well, and they know a few, and so on.
I believe a few people in this world also can see it on our faces, and that makes them uneasy, scared, questioning, and hesitant. Like they are on completely different pages, and to them I say there is support for even the questions you ask, but don't be afraid of doing something different. Especially if the same ol' same ol', is doing "Shit" for your cause, whatever that may be :)

I'm here, where are you?
And I want to make a change!

how scary is that :)

Gen C. - Edmonton said...

As a past participant of the program, I'm really surprised to read how out of context the comments in this blog are. It's clear that the majority of the posts have no idea what they are talking about. I will agree to this though, it is a very intense process and you need to be ready and have the proper mind frame to be able to complete the process and make the proper decisions for your future, friends and family.

I went into level 1 educated and having researched the positive and negative information with regards to PB. I started level 1 with clear intentions of what I wanted to get out of it.

I went, I listened, I learnt, and I set my intentions to further my life in the aspects that I felt needed a little push. No one told me what to do or how to act or what to say. Although future levels were discussed, no one told me I had to continue to further levels to be successful in my quest to become a better self.

At the end of my 5 days, I see life from a different perspective, the cup half full instead of half empty perspective. Sure I will be friends with my PB group, but they in no means replace my existing networking circle of friends and family.

Several weeks later, I am still so grateful that I made the commitment to dedicate 40 hours of my already busy life to myself and my personal/professional developement. Just from taking level 1, I am a better mother, a better wife and a more assertive, confident and successful business woman and communicator.

But I went in knowing what I wanted to get out of it and with a clear vision. Every minute was a positive experience for me.

I would highly recommend it to anyone who is a little stuck and needs a little shove.

Anonymous said...

I was going to take level one because I wanted a little self improvement. Of course I did some looking on the net and found this website. Now that I have read this I believe this company is dangerous and it is unfortunate the weak minded are the ones that go to it. It is just a big mind minipulating scam that gets you to buy all their other courses and get your friends into it. Hmmm kinda like multi level marketing.

I am going to stay away, far far away!!

Peter N. said...

I took PB1. The course was rubbish but I did get laid by one of the sluts attending the course.

Anonymous said...

Well I have read all the comments, I took level one and two a while ago. I was told by people who are a big part of PB that if you take the course with your spouse, you will probably divorce. That is not coming from me, but from others who are devoted PBers. Level one did help me out. Level two, nothing. I actually got a refund... but that took about 4 months to come through and many, many phone calls to Rae Anne and others at the office.
I got this link from the Macleans magazine article. Now I really wonder why the heck Rae Anne didn't just refund the poor guy his money?? He was deaf and obviously couldn't take the course, nor did she want him to. Well, you can't have it both ways. I really think she was wrong. What he must of gone through going deaf, losing his job (and no he has not blamed BP anywhere) but then to find out he cannot get a refund for something he cannot even use?? She should of happily refunded his money. I still think she should, even though he managed to sell it, at a loss. Send the guy a cheque and make nice. Isn't that what we are taught in the class? Be nice, do unto others, support those around us?

Anonymous said...

For anyone who missed the article, here it is. They are the worst kind of parasite. They feed on the weak of society under the guise of helping them.

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself Rae-ann Wood-Schatz. It seems like you are just gready scum. You think of yourself and PB as the savior of everybody in Alberta. Too bad it could not help you with your FAILED marriage!!

I am not against people learning about themselves and pushing themselves and becoming better people but I honestly believe that your courses hurt alot of people. How good can a 40 hour course be when you have to take it from 5pm to midnight on wed, thurs, friday and then all day sat and sunday. You have exhausted people trying to be introspective and it just confuses them. It is like giving a starving person a crappy meal. They are going to think it is the best thing they have ever eaten.

Unknown said...

Wow, I haven't bothered with this site for a while as I am busy doing my best to support others in their growth and evolution. So if you look at the McLean's article it speaks referencing people who speak highly of what we do. We see what we want to! As far as the person who received a refund as per our policy if you are dissatisfied with any of our programs we will refund your money. That is how our policy works and that would be why a refund was granted. As far as the now again hearing 'deaf' person if we refunded his money we would have lied to thousands of our graduates that honored the policy. All in alignment with being a company of integrity.

As far as me being greedy, perhaps you should ask the client that I gave my kidney to when he was dying and couldn't find a family donor.

Blessings to all!

Anonymous said...

Me and my husband of 15 years took all 3 levels as well as couples retreats, etc. It cost a small fortune. He became obsessed with with PBS and volunteered everytime he was asked. I hardly ever saw him. We are now divorced. I wish I had never heard of PBS.

Anonymous said...

It is funny that Rae-Ann says she has not bothered with this site for awhile, yet a mear 4 days after the last comment she posts something. That is a little too coincidental. All I see in her post is that they don't want to refund any money once it is in their hot little hands. I am in the same boat as the last poster. I went to level one with my girlfriend. Afterwards she continued on to level 2 and 3 and she is a completely different person. I think the word cult can be interchanged with PB!!

Anonymous said...

On the note of your kidney... I don't believe for a second that it was a selfless act. You did it so that you would feel better about making the sacrifice, and could tell others forever about how giving you were and how you "saved a man's life". I am sure he is grateful and the sacrifice was wonderful... but to brag about it, and use it as a defense of your moral character undermines the fact that it was to be done as a good deed.

Anyone who does a good deed for recognition from others and God is not doing so with a pure heart. To do something good and not want any recognition from others, even God, is the purest form of selfless love. Which IS God!

All PB does is bilk money from their followers... they "pay" their loyal volunteers who spend countless hours facilitating the Level 1/2 for others with "PB" credits... that can be redeemed for ... guess what... That's right!!! More PB classes (furthering their indoctrination). But the kicker is... the loyalty of their brainwashed minions is not enough... the PB credits can only be used to pay up to 50% of future registrations!! So they continue milking these people for more and more and more money.

That you want to do this to better society and individuals is noble. That you charge outlandish amounts for your BS is totally abhorrent. If you so badly want to better others... offer the sessions for free, or on an honorarium basis. Some of the greatest teachers and humanitarians of our time (Ghandi, Mother Theresa) would have died twice over before they charged such scandalous amounts for helping others or knowledge or bettering society.

Shame on you Rae-Ann for losing sight of what I am sure you originally intended to do; and instead become fixated on lining your own pockets with the misery and suffering of others.

Anonymous said...


Setting the record straight is what we all want to do. These people are stuck in thier place and are not being accountable. You know what you have done and so do many others. As one who has taken the courses and has not applied what I have learned and am still in my place, my own chosing, I believe that this Blog is just for those who cannot accept the changes others make and have no where else to vent. Do yourself a favor and let it be. You and PBS are successful and there are enough people who have taken the courses to pass on the Good in it. In my opinion what I saw and learned in the courses was positive and encouraging. Even though I have not changed my ways, the courses were full of enjoyment and help. NO CULT HERE, just a bunch of silly people trying to help people in a sometimes confusing and hard world.

Shawn P.

Anonymous said...

I am soooo glad I found this website...

I took level one, two, and three probably 10 years ago and in my honest opinion the whole thing is bull shit and was a waste of my hard earned money as a young person who was working in a demanding job I would have been better off to spend the money and the marathon time commitment going on a trip somewhere, getting a massage and a pedicure, and staying in a hotel with a hot tub and a nice restaurant - relaxing, resting - and doing self care rather than participating in that shit. I am so sorry that I was so misguided and weak back then !!!

At one point the whack job sister to Jay, who was facilitating told us all that the siblings used to walk around naked together (maybe the parents of that bizarre family do too) and during one of the sessions they wanted us all to share intimate sexual histories and experiences with the larger group publicly (whom we just met a few days ago) - in that crazy "circle sharing" thing they do and women had been molested as children and raped etc. and there were no qualified professionals to debrief opening up these scars and wounds that women were sharing in the group. These women were sobbing and crying and the whole thing was so bloody sick. I hope that this whole business gets hit with a law suit.

As a professional working in the field of social sciences for a number of years, it is my professional opinion that this scam (yes SCAM AND CULT)should be shut down immediately as it is immoral, irresponsible, and unethical.

I hope you are reading this you bloody whack jobs that are running this scam !!!!

Philip W said...

WOW, the postings are intense.
I am a successful business man with Canadian and international dealings. As you can see from my post that it is not well "written"

It is not surprising that some people divorce or remove old friends after the class as 50% of the people divorce in our society and friends come an go. What is wrong if after a year people say they are happy with decisions.
Not everyone is happy with 9-5, 2.2 kids, and a white picket fence. Be happy for friends who are happy even if they march to a different drummer and we can't follow.
I am not happy from all my past choices in life but I have learned from them so I am OK with them in the end.
In 1988-89 I took PB 1,2,3 and refreshed PB in 2004. I feel that PBS was a great beginning and taught me that many things about myself. Everyone is on a journey of learning and unfortunately some people choose to blame everyone else for their troubles. I have "created" a lot of love and happiness as well lived thru pain and loss. As we all go thru life people will come and go. I have not stayed in touch with all my old friends as our lives are different. I love adventure with hiking, skiing,traveling while my old friends had kids and more sedate lifestyle. That doesn't make me better or worse then them. I also have choose to remove contact from more dishonest and disreputable people.

I do my best while living life by being accountable, honest and with integrity. That doesn't mean I am perfect and we are all living our lives the best we can.

BTW None of my friends have taken PBS but I feel they could benefit from the classes. They will take them or not, depending on their needs.

PBS was one of the best lessons in my life.

Anonymous said...

How can your comment be supportive by others when you haven't attend any PB course?

Second, I think you could use all these time that you did research to do something else that actually serve your goals and dreams better?

Life can be too short so spend time wisely and on things that actually bring you smile!

Anonymous said...

I find it way to expensive for that type of feel good to last only a while. Yes, he is very wealthy.

A good church is much better

I guess it is like gigging for gold Jay just supplies the pick and shovel

Anonymous said...

I would agree that it is the "Jay" gold mind. I have known many people that go through it and they have a fantastic high and think they are on top of the world. That wears off quickly. They start talking about their dream job that they don't have, how their friends don't "get" them and how everyone is not as good as them because they are "victims" and they don't "frame" the world correctly. I am sure this course is useful to some people but it is a scam/cult to the rest. People are better off with going to church or just living and being a better person.

Unknown said...

I agree 100% with the author of this Blog..
I attended the first seminar which was free..but not completely free..he required that there be 100% attendance for the seminar, and without the 100% attendance there was a $200 charge. I was not spending a nickle on this I attended, I was very much aware of his 'cult type' techniques. ( brain washing ) Agreeing to deny yourself sufficient hydration and nourishment. Problem was that folks were committed by the time they realized it..and then the folks, found themselves being sucked into his propaganda.
During his formative years in Saskatchewan, he claimed to be a drug dealer, and his further claim to fame was that he managed to stay one step ahead of the 'Law' His use of profanity throughout the weekend was totally and utterly unacceptable, often making reference to the people of Saskatchewan, implying that they have a lesser standard than those from other parts of Canada.
What amazed me was that...some of the attendees, in fact thanked him at the end of the session..
I was very much aware of the nonsense and didn't participate in any of the activities..
I must say it was a horrible three days the worst I have ever spent in my life...
PLEASE BE AWARE!!!! This course is CRAP...

Unknown said...


Anyone reading this Blog..please be aware that this course is complete CRAP..not about helping anyone else, but the director..who in fact owns the company..

I did read a comment made by the Directors Wife...
Ha! Ha! Who are you trying to kid...

Anyone who claims that they benefited in anyway from this nonsense, should have spent their money on some decent counseling.

Group therapy sessions...

Little to NO screening of participants in the course. so folks from all walks of life..all participating in a group therapy session...

Complete and utter rubbish...

Folks if you think you need some personal growth or development, then seek out some decent professional assistance.

This course is designed to benefit only the owners of the program.




Anonymous said...

Wow it took quite a bit of time to get through all of the comments on here. Hopefully you scrolled down to the bottom of this site and i can save you the time of reading all 73 comments.
I have not attended the PB seminar and have used this site and a few others so I can make an educated decision.

People who are against the seminars seem to all have some personal situation where either someone has left them, divorced them, friends have left them behind or wont talk to them and so on... Now lets be honest, people leave people every day in life its called the effect of change. How many of your "best friends" from high school do you still hang out with? Also most of the people against PB take the word "cult" and through it around. As mentioned in an other comment a cult is a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc. So if your a Catholic or of any religion you belong to a cult? Do we need to go into the horrific history of religion? An other common comment was "they scammed me out of my money" or something to that matter. Im sorry but if you feel "scammed" then you my friend are not "wise with your money" as one commenter put it. Also i have read people say that the facilitators make all this money, hello what are people in business to do? Do you get mad at the person who sold you your house because they walked away with a large lump sum for the sale? The last major fact against PB is that they where originated from a life spring seminar in the 80s. This particular group was put through some intense lawsuits. They are in no way tied to personal best. As far as this "rick ross" link, he simply bashes any type of self development and improvement. Thats the link that put me over the edge.
What is wrong with people learning to better them selves? Most of the negative coments on here are people who are clearly broke or are the angry type. And also does everyone listen and apply everything they hear? No! We each have the ability to 'filter' information and use what is better suited for us. Just like if someone tells you to jump off a bridge.... Kind of funny to read people complaining about other people forcing them to do something. I think im going to go to a PB seminar just to learn these mind control techniques!

Well that does it for me, i plan to sign up for the next seminar.

And by the way its a little under $400.00 for the introductory or level 1 course. And guess what? I make the choice to spend the money and if it turns out its not for me then its my wrong choice which i am responsible for. If i allow myself to get all excited and spend $10,000 that i dont have on some package deal as mentioned on here.


Life is a series of choices which we are each responsible for personally.
Im probably one of the youngest people to blog on here and if any of you previous blogers read this i bet you can learn something from that one.

Quit blaming other people for your own mistakes and short comings!


Anonymous said...

I have attended three personal best seminars. I am a very intuitive person and I felt something was wrong from the beginning. There are many tools that are so helpful in this process but there are many tools and approaches that are very dangerous. There are people in the sessions who are suicidal, drug users, have bi-polar you name it. They are in a fragile state and are having their emotions heightened to extremes that who knows what might happen to them. The other scary aspect is the cult life activity, channelling and brain washing that occurs with some facilitators.

Anonymous said...

I have nothing against improving yourself and having a better life. People are using "PB" as a quick solution. They teach you to wish for what you want but don't tell you that you may actually have to work for it.

I know several people that have taken level 2 and 3 and several other courses. These people are the most arrogent self centered people I know. They believe they are better than everyone because they have learned some insight into them. Everyone I know that has taken "PB" fight, bicker, and act like little children with each other but do it with a smile. This is not something I am interested in or want to be a part of.

By the way Iann, thanks for generalizing everyone here as the "clearly broke or are the angry type".

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with the above statement. There are many attention seekers, willing to bowl over anyone to get what they want, trying to play god in giving others their "sage" advice. Even as some including myself don't sign up the facilitators sit in the back and pout and want nothing to do with you later. I am all up for personal development but there is no secret pill except living life and a great attitude.

What a joke this experience was but a great learning moment for myself.

Anonymous said...

They they want suckers to pay $500.00 for their level 1 course. I would not let them pay me $500 to be abused like that.

Alex (SLAPone) PRO said...

everything in life is neutral all depends on your perception on what is good or bad some things work well for some more so than others, from what i understand people are afraid of what they dont understand and new experiences are a big leap into the unknown i pick and choose what i take from any experience depending on my perception on what is good or bad and im entitled to that, personally what was said in accordance to the functions of the mind are the same as my own prior research from various sources, there were times when i found some exercises to be less beneficial than others but that goes in accordance to my own personal past experience of life and what i perceive as beneficial or not, theres no voodoo or black magic invovled its simply a series of interactions between to homosapiens which allows for certain parts of our mind to manifest themselves in a way where we can become aware of them, and anyone with an understanding of even basic psychology ,im sure, would agree if they threw caution to the wind and took it with a grain of salt with the understanding that there might infact be something of value you may just walk away with, as for my homie charles ask yourself if it was you infact that was the cause for the events between your wife and yourself, i find its easier to shift blame when deep down we know some thing more than we let on.

Anonymous said...

I took the Personal Best Courses 1, 2, and 3 about 15-20 years ago. I also took a couple of smaller courses from them, on topics from relationships to money management (ie. RRSPs and paying off debts, not giving all your money to PB). I am not a brainwashed cultist and I have not had any contact with anyone from PB in many years, other than "friending" Jay on Facebook. I can honestly say that I learned a lot of skills that have served me well throughout life, such as taking responsibility for my own choices, and that the years after taking the courses have been happier and emotionally healthier for me than the ones before. I'm not sure how I would put a price on that.

Ian said...

Hi Charles,

I have taken all of the PB courses and the truth is you will get out of them what you put into them. If you spent half the time working on your issues an you have creating this site I think you would have a much better result.

The bottom line with any personal development seminar is you must be willing to try new things and actually work on the development. It is time to stop the blame game and work on your issues.

Anonymous said...

My daughters entire ability to reason logically has been removed by choice center in las vegas and she has not even started! She finally came to her senses tried to call it off and was convinced she still should go forward even though she said no. This experiential statement annoys me and after going to one free workshops i am scared to death for her and my intuition on this is to get as far away from this as possible. That first feeling of "something is not right here"?.... that is your....conscience ..... go withforward it. Have confidenceto in yourself. I dont like her feeling that without this course her life will never improve! None of us anonymous want to give names aince this thing is very worrisome and cult like. We dont need to take these courses to know they are dangerous..... i dont need to jump in front of a semi to know i will be killed either!

Charlie said...

I am a PB grad and I am grateful to have had the ooportunity. I was surprised to read the negative comments and the unfortunate outcome of your loss (Charles). Taking Personal Best in fact helps individuals to practice compassion for ourselves and others. It gives individuals to reframe past and present events in a more positive light. It gives the individual an understanding and helps one realize that we are accountable for our own happiness. There are so many positives to this course that outway the cost of the course. I don't believe that you can't learn anything from others because they don't have the proper papers. Some of my best advice came from those who had more life experience. Have you ever heard of...psychology works best for those who need it the least? Who cares if they don't have a degree to back them up; if it feels good than do it. You're wife obviously was seeking more in her life that made her enroll in PB. If she left than in the end its what she found would be best for her. It takes courage to start over. PB is not to blame. If anything PB made me more loving towards my family, friends, and most importantly myself.

Anonymous said...

Meh, sounds an awful lot like Scientology.

Anonymous said...

Personal Best is nothing more than LGAT!,102428

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Charles for posting this. I was living with my girlfriend when she started taking this course and everything you've said is true. I kept telling her to stop and that she sounded brainwashed. It was an absolute nightmare That landed with me telling her I was going to leave her and started to grab an overnight bag to get out of there. She went into a violent rage, punching, scratching, attacking my genitals and finally ending with her teeth sunk into my arm flesh. Two quick jabs to the head released her. The police came and we were both charge with assault. I refused to testify against her sinse I still loved her but just wanted to move on. The police convinced her that she was a victim and she hadn't paid the money yet I guess to master reframing her blame. Either way it went to court and all charges were dropped. Thanks PB. At least amway has a product to go with their cult. Just the thought of them makes my heart quicken over what I watched happen to her. I will contact the fellow doing the article. The pro PB supporters on here remind me of the insane church in the states unable to comprehend anything that goes against their savior. I'm sickened. If a loved one insists on going to that course just get as far away from them as you can. I suspect the lawsuits are coming once people wake up from their brainwashing and they will PB; they will.

Anonymous said...

oh boy

Anonymous said...

Its the same as Life spring, light bearers, EST, and most importantly identical to Landmark Forum. Make sure you give them all your money on the never ending, unattainable train wreck of the "personal development" cults. too bad most lemmings cant think for themselves and give to magical thinking rather than reality. on a side note, look at all the brainwashed trendy's defending there fearless cult leaders.

Anonymous said...

Jay Fiset is a fraud and PB is a cult that brainwashes people into giving them money. Their "no questions asked" refund is bullshit. I had to cancel my credit card and change my phone number to escape these bullying scam artists. Don't fall for this load of crap. They are very good at manipulation and will try to make you feel like you aren't facing your issues if you don't buy in to their program 100%. It's nothing but a scam and I feel sorry for the weak people that they prey on.

I read Cory's comment as well. I would expect nothing less from Jay's wife. Whatever she needs to tell herself so she can sleep at night while her husband scams hardworking people out of their meager savings. But I don't wish the Fisets any ill will. I just wish that if they were truly interested in helping people they'd find a more honest way to go about it. PB caught me at a weak moment in my life while going through a divorce. They tried to make me believe that my entire life was crap and that it was all my fault, but if I kept taking their courses (which kept getting more expensive) that I would reach a breakthrough to happiness. Truth is my life is pretty awesome and I'm already happy. PB wanted me to believe I wasn't happy so that they could capitalize on that.

2 of my friends who stayed and took all of the levels are still struggling to find happiness. They are both constantly broke and borrowing money from friends and family, and neither of them seem to be able to maintain a decent relationship even though they both claim to want marriage and children. They are so brainwashed they think that PB has helped them to really see what they are "resisting", and that a breakthrough is just around the corner. I wish they had enough self confidence and self esteem to believe in themselves but it is exactly these traits that make them the ideal mark for organizations like PB and Landmark.

If PB seems like a good idea to you then I might suggest that you are at a weak moment in your life and would strongly suggest that you get some real professional help before PB drains your bank account.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

My name is Heather, (part 1)
I am going under anonymous as I am technically challenged and the first two comments I posted had my full name and picture. There is no need for that . So it is NOTHING MORE THAN THAT. I am a real person and this was very much my experience.

My mom was involved with PB well over 20 years ago, taking PB 1,2,3. The first time she came to Calgary to take PB I was excited as she lived out of the city and I was currently in college there. After day one she phoned me after midnight telling me that she was not able to contact me during her seminar as she had to be back in class at 6 in the morning and had homework to do for it. She also told me she was told that it was not in her best interest to contact those not in PB while taking the seminar. I asked her a few quick questions and found out that they were doing exhausting work, that they ran a tight ship and that she was told when she could eat and drink and that the stretches between these times were long. I left it at that.
I had a very privileged and magical childhood. Both my parents were very successful business people and they still are today. My mother was going through some serious empty nest syndrome and my dad his own bit of mid life crisis going on.
I understand this much better today than I did back then as I am in that stage of my life as well. Mid forties with children leaving home to do their own life and a husband who is wondering if he's done all on his bucket list.
It was within a very short time after PB 1 or 2 that mom left dad to go live that life she truly needed to live according to her discoveries in PB. What she did find was a divorce, another man who defrauded her of quite a bit of money and broke her heart and ended up living in a 12X16 uninsulated building on her friends property for a time. It forced the sale of a very successful business run by both my parents.
When I ask her now about PB, this is what she will say. "I had to get out and leave the program and people behind. I found myself surrounded by people who were addicted to PB, all they talked about was PB and their journey to be better. it somehow left me feeling like I was never enough, enlightened enough, progressing enough, there was never an end."
She will also say that she has since learned that the methods they use in their seminars of that of a cult. She does say that some of the messages were good, and she will also say they are UNIVERSAL messages that can be found, administered and practiced at a fraction of the cost. Go to Chapters, go to self help."
My mother is a ranches wife. She is down to earth, very intellectual, and calls it as it is. She is extremely spiritual and enlightened and has never stopped learning how to get the most out of what life has to offer. What she will tell you is that we are all perfect already, we came here with everything we need, to keep it simple and the secret lies in GRATITUDE. Be grateful for each and everything, even those things one would not think they should be grateful for. She has just won the battle with cancer and while she was in the middle of it found the silver lining. She preserved and carried that lesson with her and she is grateful for the experience to have learned and embraced the lesson. message continued in next comment box:

Anonymous said...

comment continued part 2: , so it comes back to there are 3 sides to every story, his side, her side and the truth.
What I do find interesting is often when people are involved in something that is less then 100 percent honourable and they are great business people that they will often take their program and repackage it and give it a new name.
here is the link to his NEW program take a look yourself

Some of these programs also come with a hefty price tag
i was approached my a friend who wanted to give me "THE GIFT" I mentioned it to another friend who then said "geeze I think that is Jay Fiset, funny thing is we were just talking about a family member of his and how they were involved with PB.
I won't touch this new program with a 10 ft pole. I know that there is probably some good things in it, and yet I also know of other opportunities that exist out there that I can easily afford and will not try to up sell me.
I also have had friends that attended Landmark, they also use the same techniques, telling you when you can eat, go to the bathroom, not allowed to take notes, and literally came home and told their extended family members that if they did not take Landmark that they could no longer associate with them. I found this very saddening as this is "family" we are talking about, loving supportive family that live in the same yard on the ranch and do ranching business together. I was told this out of the horses mouth. What kind of program tells you not to talk to your family? Yes family is not always perfect, often times dysfunctional, and not always at the same level of enlightment. However they are "family" it is our job to help them catch up, support them when they are down and just LOVE them with no judgement.

That is all I have to say

Anonymous said...

A hunch made me google for Personal Best Seminars and scams and hence I found this blog. Thank you Charles for providing a much needed perspective in this debate. I have taken all three levels of the Personal Best course back in the '90s.
If I would not live in the neighbourhood of the building in which the courses took place, I would probably have forgotten about it long ago.
For me it was merely one step in a very long journey. It was not life altering and I started to pick up on more and more red flags about the organization, staff and owners. The comments I am reading here are of little surprise to me, but it is sad to witness a complete inability to take responsibility for the potential risks involved taking these type of courses. This in itself speaks volumes!
In essence I felt there was an integrity issue between what was being thought and practiced. I too had difficulty getting refunded of a subsequent course I did not enjoy.
I have no regrets having taken the courses 20 years later, but am not glad I did either, nor would I recommend them.
What turned me off back in the days was an initial public offering Jay tried to do. I ran the documents by a financial expert and was told in no uncertain terms that this was a scam. That no reputable company would launch a product in this manner and that there would be a very small likelihood that I would ever see my money again.
I don't know what happened on this front, but the company is not public today.
I have found that discernment was one of the hardest lessons to learn for me in dealing with people and and any kind of personal improvement programs. It is a life long path and anyone who promises instant and miraculous results is best stayed away from.

Anonymous said...

I took PB1 and PB2 in 2007/2008 and it made a he impact to my life. There are many mis truths in this article. I have since sent many friends and family and all have had many incredible breakthoughs. Please note that the author of this article DID NOT take PB, pretty tough to comment when you have taken the course. If his wife left him, it would not have been due o PB it would have been because she was un-happy and perhaps the support and clarity gained from PB helped her make the choice, but one major ground rule is that you are not supposed to make life altering choices right after - so I am sorry that your wife left - but after taking the courses I am offended with the mis-information in your article.

Debbie Dekker/Bullick said...

Whew, that was a lot of reading. I was actually looking to see if Personal Best was still around as I was thinking it was time to offer my services as a volunteer. My story goes like this. I took Personal Best 28 years ago in Jan. 1987 when it was part of a government program for women who had been out of the work force for awhile. At that point it was owned by Melva Gray. I remember Jay was one of the facilitators volunteers at the time. To this day I am ever so grateful for PB. Over the years I have taken every course PB offers and they have been stepping stones throughout my life. Hence looking into participating on a team. I was 26 years old when I took PB 1 and it was like being hit over the head with a 2x4. I at that time believed my life was fate and there was no such thing as choice. I also got divorced shortly after finishing all 3 courses and I have to say it had nothing to do with the courses. It had to do with the fact that we were married young and really had absolutely nothing in common. One of those 2x4 hard realities that I had always known in my heart but my belief system of "fate" kept me from acknowledging what I already knew. Over the next 20 years I finished all the other courses that are offered and volunteered on teams a number of times. I also worked for PB selling courses for a short time. It's probably 8-10 years now that I haven't participated in any PB stuff. I felt a real kindred connection with Jay as I remember him going through his struggles and also I was from Saskatchewan (same as Jay)
When Jay took over PB, PBS was in big debt. I think Jay is amazing for what he has done with this company. His family and co-workers are all amazing people. Rae-ann, I am so very proud of you. I remember you and I in was it "Facilitator Training" together. You really ran with it and good for you. These people in this company are the most compassionate people I have ever come across. You are all doing humanitarian work as far as I'm concerned. There seems to be some very fear based comments on here and I really hope these peeps look into where their fear is stemming from. After all it's FEAR that starts wars. Keep up the good work Personal Best and I will be in contact soon.

Love always,
Deb Dekker/Bullick

Anonymous said...

Wow, this blog is still on here. I think these courses helped the people that were "screwed up" or needed a life change. I felt uneasy pretty much through the whole thing. I was exhausted because of the late nights and early mornings. Single women were flirting with my husband right in front of me. A lot of the exercises were ridiculous and definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. All I can say is go at your own risk.

Anonymous said...

Don't trust them at all - name changed to Creators Code now and same scam. The facilitators do not respect confidentiality and talk about all their "students" behind their back to anyone who will listen. I found out confidential stuff about my family was told to other people in a different "class" using my name. STAY AWAY Jay is a crook and his facilitators are off the planet in another world. They make up their own stuff and ruin people's lives during and after these courses. I have seen people in my group lose everything! Compassionate? No passionate about taking your money and all of your friends and family's money. I know someone who asked for a refund due to emergency....nope - tough luck!

Anonymous said...

HAHAH Oh my god.

Well, I will say that this free group therapy thing was rather beneficial for me in many ways.


During the course, I felt Rae Ann Woodschatz kind of gave me the cold shoulder and I couldn't figure out why. Later, she took it upon herself to invite my SO out "for coffee", weeks after the seminar, separately from me.

She then took that opportunity to tell him, uninvited, that we weren't right for each other!! She also told him he was a shaman (I'm sorry, this is actually laughable).

He was a person who had CHUMP written all over his face so he naturally went on to pay thousands of dollars for more of her self help courses and referred all his friends.

It looks like she is divorced now and um....teaching a course for couples?!?!

HAHAHA. 0/10 WOULD NOT recommend!

Anonymous said...

I took the introductory course in 1999. At that time, there was no free introductory session. Red flags went up for me pretty quickly and I decided on the first evening of the course that I would be requesting my money back at the end of the weekend. Had my letter in the mail on Sunday night. I tolerated the weekend simply because that was the only way I could get a refund. I did eventually get my money back but it took two follow up phone calls to Personal Best and about two months before they delivered. During the seminar, I found it disturbing to observe the subtle manipulation and mind control tactics that were employed to reel in vulnerable people. Long sessions with no food or drink, no bathroom breaks and stuck in a stuffy room with no windows. The facilitator, who I think was Jay's sister, used a lot of profane language to emphasize her points which I found offensive and condescending, not to mention extremely unprofessional. My advice...if given the Personal Best (or whatever they call themselves now) sales pitch, run in the opposite direction as fast as you can!

Anonymous said...

I worked as a nanny in Calgary and my boss paid for me to partake in these seminars. I felt obligated to participate and was shocked at what I had to say, wear and do. Looking back now I was a very young, naive 18yr old. This is definitely a cult!

Vivian said...

I went to a Personal Best in Edmonton about 1997ish. When I finished I asked for my money back and got it. It was a 'nothing' 'garbage' seminar.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Is Jay Fiset still affiliated with Personal Best? I paid for and took all of the courses they offered & he still scammed me out of $100,000.00.